
News relating to site.

Happy 8th Birthday!

This week turns eight years old. It started off as a simple project to learn about websites and then be retired. A thousand plus posts later and almost $4,000CAD raised for charity, the site is still around. Thanks for your kind words of support and visiting my site!

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ESO Luxury Furnisher

ESO Chronicle of Luxury Furnisher Vendor Items

The Luxury Furnisher Vendor (Zanil Theran) is a special vendor that only appears on the weekend to sell rare furniture in the Belkarth Festival Ground in Craglorn and near Cicero’s Food & General Goods shop in the Hollow City, Coldharbour. This journal tracks the items that have been sold on the [PC] Luxury Furnishing Vendor. 

ESO Chronicle of Luxury Furnisher Vendor Items Read More »

Website Upgrades

I have successfully made some upgrades to the website. The site is now using secured connections (https) so those anxiety-causing messages in the internet browser address bars should be gone. My hosting plan also got an upgrade with more resources so hopefully you will see some speed improvements. I will be exploring some performance improvements

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