Greetings fellow knowledge seeker, enclosed you will find the Delve Report compiled by BenevolentBowd containing information on its inhabitants, loot found, and a map.
General Information and Lore
Sor Pot-Helm was a prospector who is said to have singlehandedly dug out the cave that bears his name, working until he died at the age of 103, still convinced that just a bit more digging would reveal a fabulous ebony lode.
Old Sord’s Cave is located in the south area of Eastmarch. It can be reached from the Wittestadr and Logging Camp Wayshrines. It is a medium size delve and contains mostly provisioning containers.

Bandit Mine
Mobs: Stormfist Soldiers, Sabre Cats
Critters: Rats, Torchbugs
Named: Eorim the Hammer, Gadof
- Eorim’s Tale
- Containers:
- Mostly provisioning containers.
- Crafting Mats:
- Acai Berry, Barley, Bittergreen, Clean Pelt, Coffee, Comberry, Corn, Corundum, Decorative Wax, Flint, Flour, Game, Ginger, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Guarana, Guts. Honey, Insect Parts, Isinglass, Jasmine, Lemon, Solvent, Manganese, Melon, Metheglin, Millet, Mint, Molybdenum, Potato, Rice, Rose, Hide Scraps, Rye, Seaweed, Small Game, Starmetal, Surilie Grapes, Tomato, Wheat, Yeast.
- Gear
- Mostly white, green, and occassional blue and purple item and regional sets(Eastmarch sets like Dragon)
- Consumables:
- Drinks, Provisioning Recipes, Potions, Poisons, Furniture Recipes, White Glyphs
- Trash
- Ash