Greetings fellow knowledge seeker, enclosed you will find the Delve Report compiled by BenevolentBowd containing information on its inhabitants, loot found, and a map.
General Information

Argonian scholars are uncertain whether the Chid-Moska xanmeer should be considered part of the larger Xal Ithix complex, or if it is a separate site built by an even more ancient tribe of Lizard-Folk.
Chid-Moska Ruins are located in southwestern Shadowfen. Nearest wayshrine is Loriasel Wayshrine. It is a small looping delve and contains mostly provisioning containers. Overall, a below-average place to farm crafting materials as you would have to relog to reset the containers.

Argonian Ruins
Mobs: Bandits
Critters: Frogs, Spiders, Torchbugs
Named: Rebecca Lirlane
- Argonian Journal Pages
- Containers:
- Several Provisioning containers
- No chests or heavy sacks observed.
- Crafting Mats:
- Apples, Bittergreen, Crawlers, Garlic, Ginger, Ginseng, Honey, Insect Parts, Jasmine, Seasoning, Seaweed, Spider Egg, Torchbug Thorax
- Gear
- White gear mostly (did find a blue restoration staff). Found one intricate item, and one green piece of Swamp Raider’s Boots.
- Consumables:
- Cloudy Poisons, Drink (Keg), White Glyph
- Trash
- N/A