Who has no fear of beast or blade? UNDAUNTED! Earn bonus loot during the Undaunted Celebration, ESO’s PvE dungeon event!
The second time this year, the Undaunted Celebration returns.
- The Undaunted Celebration begins Thursday, December 3 at 10:00AM EST and runs until Tuesday, December 15 at 10:00AM EST.
- Glorious Undaunted Reward Boxes
- the first time you complete a dungeon each day
- Includes a guaranteed Opal Weapon Style page
- NEW Iceheart (Direfrost Keep)
- NEW Lord Warden (Imperial City Prison)
- NEW Nightflame (Elden Hollow II)
- NEW Swarm Mother (Spindleclutch I)
- Ilambris (Crypt of Hearts I)
- Troll King (Blessed Crucible)
- Bloodspawn (Spindleclutch II)
- Engine Guardian (Darkshade Caverns II)
- If you complete one of the above dungeons on Veteran Hard Mode difficulty, you also have a chance (just a chance) to earn an Opal Monster Mask style page for their respective bosses.
- Undaunted Reward Boxes
- Drops when you defeat a dungeon’s final boss during this event, in addition to its regular rewards
- Undaunted Keys
- Undaunted plunder
- Motif pages
- Repair kits
- Transmute crystals
- more
- NEW Earn one Undaunted Reward Box a day by completing Bolgrul’s daily Undaunted delve quest. You can find Bolgrul within any Undaunted Enclave.
- Drops when you defeat a dungeon’s final boss during this event, in addition to its regular rewards
To participate in this event, take on Tamriel’s four-player dungeons by using the Dungeon Finder tool or by traveling to a dungeon with your group. Normal or Veteran difficulty.
Impresario Offerings
- All four Nascent Indrik Feathers
- Style pages for the new OpalWeapons, Masks, and Shoulders
- These are bound to your account
- Three Crimson Indrik Berries (Berries of Budding, Bloom, and Growth)
- The fourth Berry will be available in the upcoming New Life Festival
- Group Repair Kits

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