Razak’s Wheel is located on southwest corner of the Bangkorai Pass, a short distance south of Hallin’s Stand.
According to those who study the long-lost culture of the Dwarves, “Razak” was a fairly common Dwemeri name. Scholars are divided on whether it means “precision engineer” or “tonal modulator”.


Large Dwemer Ruin
Spoiler: Puzzle door is opened by Aurbis, Mundus, then Aetherius.
Mobs: Imperial Soldiers, Dwarven Contructs
Critters: Beetles, Scorpions
Named: Razak’s Behemoth, Centurion Solinthia, Archivist Poneria, Archivist Sanctius, Rkurdamz, Mzanchndalft
- “Carina’s Journal”
- “Notes on the Vault Door”
- Several bookshelves
- Plentiful number of dwemer containers within which are good sources of lockpicks, solvents, recipes, and motifs.
- Several chests and heavy sacks
- Razak’s Wheel Vanquisher (10pts.)
- Razak’s Wheel Conquerer (50pts.)
- Razak’s Wheel Group Event (50pts.)