Greetings fellow knowledge seeker, enclosed you will find the Delve Report compiled by BenevolentBowd containing information on its inhabitants, loot found, and a map.
General Information

The following is BenevolentBowD’s scouting report for the delve locals refer to as Sheogorath’s Tongue.
Sheogorath’s Tongue is a shrine daedric shrine carved into a hill, located east of the Sathram Plantation Wayshrine. It has been converted into a base of operations by argonian bandits.

Large daedric shrine / cavern
Mobs: Argonian Bandits, Assassin Beetle
Critters: Rats,
Named: Calls-to-Nature, Dezanu
- “Cheeses of Tamriel”
- “Kennixa’s List”
- A several bookshelves
- Not a very good source provisioning mats and alchemical solvents
- Few beetle scuttle from the Assassin Beetles
- There were a few chests in the delve.