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ESO Seeker of the Green Achievement

Are you looking for the Druid Shrines on High Isle for the Seeker of the Green Achievement?




  1. Visit the Druid Shrine Near Jheury’s Cove
  2. Visit the Druid Shrine near Albatross Leap
  3. Visit the Druid Shrine near Y’ffre’s Cauldron
  4. Visit the Druid Shrine near Dufort Shipyards
  5. Visit the Druid Shrine near Banished Refuge


You can only have one blessing on at a time. When you don’t have a blessing active, the shrines will not glow and praying does advance the achievement progress but does not give you a new blessing or extend the existing one.

  • Druidic Blessing (40% Speed – 30 Minutes)
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