There were several players that were recently banned according to a post on the official forums.
ZOS has confirmed this has occurred and provided the following information
First, we want to clarify that the bans in question had nothing to do with utilizing any addons. In this case, we were running investigations surrounding some suspicious black market activity. We have several ways we monitor for suspicious activity, and when an investigation needs to take place, some innocent accounts will unintentionally get swept up during that time.
We worked as quickly as possible to unban any accounts that were found to be uninvolved; if your account was initially affected and you have since been unbanned, you have nothing to be worried about and your account will remain in good standing.
As we historically don’t allow for discussion surrounding disciplinary actions, we’re going to close this thread. If you have further questions, please reach out to our Support team by submitting a ticket on the website.
Gina Bruno
Context: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/6632178/#Comment_6632178