What does the Luxury Furnisher offer this week?
The Luxury Furnisher Vendor (Zanil Theran) is located north of the bank in the Hollow City, Coldharbour and the Belkarth Festival Grounds in Craglorn.
- Wedding Blossoms, Blue 2,500g
- Decorative Wall Drape, Mauve 3,000g
- Redguard Seal 3,000g
- Redguard Carpets, Rolled 4,000g
- Wedding Lantern 5,000g
- Wedding Lantern , Hanging 5,000g
- Wedding Curtain 7,500g
- Wedding Curtain, Wide 7,500g
- Wedding Flower Trellis 10,000g
- Wedding Planter, Octagonal 20,000g
- Ra Gada Statue, Seated Lion Ibis 25,000g
There is a very similar hanging lantern available from the Hew’s Bane Achievement vendor for 3,000g.
If you flip over the Wedding Planter, Octagonal, it’s just dirt.

All 56 weeks of luxury items are on my ESO Calendar: https://benevolentbowd.ca/calendar/
Full history of luxury furnisher items: https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-luxury-furnisher-vendor-items/
Mobile-Friendly Luxury Furniture Pocket Guide: https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/eso-luxury-furniture/