I noticed something surprising while checking out the PTS (Public Test Server) this week.
Zanil Theran was spotted on the PTS in Belkarth as the map indicated. He was selling same items as on PC NA Server. Just for curiosity, I travelled to Coldharbour and Zanil was also in his regular spot.
Confirmed in PTS Patch Notes v8.0.2
“Fixed an issue where Zanil Theran was listed as present on the map location for the Belkarth Festival Grounds when he would not otherwise be present in Coldharbour (he only shows up with the Luxury Vendor usually is, and yes, this is a second location he can spawn!).”

Original Post
The PTS patch notes mention a new Festival Grounds area in Belkarth, Craglorn. Look what I saw when I hovered over the Festival Grounds on the map.

If this is correct, this would make the vendor more accessible to player than it’s current location in Coldharbour. Unless you have friends in Coldharbour, this zone isn’t unlocked until you have finished most of the main quest line.
The existing PTS patch notes do not mention any changes to the vendor. Zenimax Online Studios wasn’t available for comment at time of posting.