This Crown Store Showcase features new houses, NPC house guests Stibbons and Rigurt, a new pack pet, and more.

Prepare to plunge into the Lost Depths with these new and returning items coming to the Crown Store in August.

ESO Plus Deals
- The Statuette: Prince Hew (August 1 to September 6) – Free
- The Alliance Rider Hood (August 1 to August 4) – discount
- The Crown Crafting Motif: Welkynar (August 8 to August 15) – discount
- The Elder Dragon Hunter Armor Pack (August 11 to August 18 – discount
- The Elder Dragon Hunter Weapon Pack (August 11 to August 18) – discount
- The Sword of Jyggalag (August 15 to August 18) – discount
- The Star-Made Wolfshead (August 1 to August 8) – discount
- The Doeskin-and-Chamois Woods costume (August 11 to August 18) – discount
- The Toxin Doctor costume (August 18 to August 25) – discount
- The Armored Knights costume (August 29 to September 6) – discount
- The Dremora Deceiver Duster costume (September 1 to September 8) – discount
- The Furnishing Pack: Moons-Blessed Oasis (August 4 to August 18) – discount
- The Kaalgrontiid’s Ascent statue (August 4 to August 18) – discount
- The Dibella’s Garden Furnishing Pack (August 16 at 1pm EDT to September 1) – discount
- The Vampiric Sovereign Statue (September 1 to September 15) – discount
- The Target Harrowing Reaper (September 1 to September 15) – discount
- The Sovngarde Wolf Pup (August 8 to August 15) – discount
You can view all the ESO Plus Deals currently active through the crown store window.

Crown Crates
- The Nightfall Crate (August 25 to September 8)
Crown Gem Exclusive
- The Skyterror Dragonslayer Horse mount (August 11 to September 15)
- The Skyterror Dragonslayer Pup (August 11 to September 15)
- The Cursebound Senche-raht mount (August 25 to September 8)
Crafting / Outfits
- Artifacts
- The Sword of Jyggalag (August 15 to August 18) – discount
- Packs
- The Elder Dragon Hunter Armor Pack (August 11 to August 18 – discount
- The Elder Dragon Hunter Weapon Pack (August 11 to August 18) – discount
- Styles
- The Encratis’s Behemoth Arms Pack (August 18 to September 21)
- The Encratis’ Behemoth Mask Style Page has a chance to drop from Pyroturge Encratis in Black Drake Villa. The Encratis’s Behemoth Shoulder Style Page can be obtained by either purchasing it for 50 Undaunted Keys from Urgarlag Chief-bane or as a chance from Urgarlag’s Mystery Coffer for 1 Undaunted Key.
- The Encratis’s Behemoth Arms Pack (August 18 to September 21)
- Motifs
- The Crown Crafting Motif: Welkynar (August 8 to August 15) – discount
- Available in game. Chapter fragments can be earned from Z’Maja in Cloudrest, ten of which can be combined with a Welkynar Binding (from the weekly repeatable quest “Woe of the Welkynars”) to grant a motif chapter, or extremely rarely, the entire book.
- The Ascendant Order Style Crafting Motif (August 22)
- available in-game by defeating Varallion in the dungeon Coral Aerie.
- The Crown Crafting Motif: Welkynar (August 8 to August 15) – discount

- The Star-Made Wolfshead (August 1 to August 8) – discount
- The Doeskin-and-Chamois Woods costume (August 11 to August 18 at 10am EDT) – discount
- The Toxin Doctor costume (August 18 to August 25) – discount
- The Armored Knights costume (August 29 to September 6) – discount
- The Dremora Deceiver Duster costume (September 1 to September 8) – discount
- The Moon-Sugar Festival Suit will return to the Crown Store for a limited time, from August 4 to August 11 at 10am EDT.
- The Alliance Rider Hood (August 1 to August 4) – discount
Hair Styles
- None
Head Markings / Body Markings
- None
- None
Facial Hair / Adornments
- None
- None
Polymorphs / Skins
- The Azure Imp Epidermis skin (August 18 to August 25)
- The White-Gold Imperial Courser mount (August 1 to August 3)
- The Clawhorn Mountain Goat mount (August 4 to August 11)
- The Azuredoom Wrathsteed mount (August 18 to August 25)
- The Turquoise War Pangrit mount will be available in the Crown Store with the launch of the Lost Depths DLC and Update 35 coming August 22, 2022 at 10am EDT for PC/Mac and on September 6, 2022 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.
- The Sovngarde Wolf Pup (August 8 to August 15) – discount
- The White-Gold Imperial Pony pet (August 1 to August 3)
- The Haunted House Cat (August 22 to August 25)
- The Explorer’s Pack Donkey (August 22) – INCREASED STORAGE ON ALL CHARACTERS
- The Pangrit Nymphling pet will be available in the Crown Store with the launch of the Lost Depths DLC and Update 35 coming August 22, 2022 at 10am EDT for PC/Mac and on September 6, 2022 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.
- The Volkihar Death Hound (August 25 to September 1)

- Music Boxes
- The High Isle Duel Music Box (August 16 at 1pm EDT to September 1)
- Furnishing Packs and Special Items
- The Furnishing Pack: Moons-Blessed Oasis (August 4 to August 18) – discount
- The Kaalgrontiid’s Ascent statue (August 4 to August 18) – discount
- The Dibella’s Garden Furnishing Pack (August 16 at 1pm EDT to September 1) – discount
- The Vampiric Sovereign Statue (September 1 to September 15) – discount
- The Target Harrowing Reaper (September 1 to September 15) – discount
- The Kynareth’s Blessings Statue (August 16 at 1pm EDT to September 1)
- The Jode’s Embrace house (August 4 to August 18)
Furnished and unfurnished versions will be available. - The Highhallow Hold (August 16 at 1pm EDT to September 1)
Furnished and unfurnished versions will be available.
The Bastion Sanguinaris (September 1 to September 15)
Furnished and unfurnished versions will be available.
- Stibbons (August 16 at 1pm EDT to September 1)
- Rigurt the Brash (September 1 to September 15)
- The Lost Depths DLC will be available in the Crown Store on PC/Mac/Stadia starting on August 22 at 10am EDT, and on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on September 6 at 10am EDT.
- The Lost Depths Collector’s Bundle DLC will be available in the Crown Store on PC/Mac/Stadia starting on August 22 at 10am EDT, and on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on September 6 at 10am EDT.
- Whitestrake’s Mayhem continues.
- No new event listed.
- None Listed
- None listed
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